K2 Blackpearl Re-Resolve Group to Users

Sep 19, 2018

We have a system built around the K2 Blackpearl workflow engine that routes requests to the appropriate destinations. We switched a number of users from one active directory domain to an entirely different one, which K2's cache wasn't aware of. This caused some users to be missed when resolving the workflow destination active directory group to its members.

Force K2 Workflow Activity to Re-Resolve AD Group Destination to Members

The first thing we need to do is force K2 to refresh its cache for the problematic active directory group.

  1. Navigate to the server where K2 is hosted.
  2. Find the ForceIdentityServiceRefresh application shipped with K2. For us, that's in the C:\K2 folder.
  3. Enter the Group name, select the "Group" object type and check each checkbox to force a full cache refresh for the given group.K2 Cache Force Identity Refresh
  4. Click the Clear Identity Cache button.

Now that the cache is cleared K2 will have a reference to the latest members associated with the group in question. It's time to make the K2 workflow re-resolve its destination:

  1. Open the K2 Workspace.

  2. Navigate to the Management Console.

  3. Within the Management Console menu tree, navigate to the Instances node of the workflow process that has a problematic instance, which is typically under the following path:

    K2ServerName -> Workflow Server -> Processes -> Your.Process.Name -> Your.Workflow.Name -> Instances

  4. Search for the workflow instance you want to re-resolve destinations for, select it, then click Goto Activity.K2 Workflow Instance

  5. Within the Goto Activity screen you'll see a list of all available activities associated with the workflow. Select the same activity the workflow is currently at, then press OK.K2 Workflow GoTo Activity

The result of following the above steps will force the given instance of your K2 workflow process to re-evaluate the selected activity, effectively causing a re-resolution of the destination group to its members from K2's refreshed cache.

Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts - if you have something you want to share feel free to leave a comment or shoot me an email.


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